Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sçapŭla+Clāvïcŀe= bro, let us chill

My third project that is due tomorrow is the righ and left collar bones and shoulder blades. I think they turned out pretty well so far (they are still greenware). Luckily though neither of these both play a role in the alteration of other bones inspired by birth defects. Which brings me to my next point: I think I only want to focus on bone birth defects in my skeleton rather than also including just breaks and prosthetics. I think this will be more impactful and more interesting than a skeleton just with like a broken arm and screws in its head.


  1. thats a pretty awesome idea, i think youre ideas have developed alot from last year. i'm looking forward to seeing this

  2. i saw you working on your femur bones today, they look really good and are really anatomically correct so far so i really like it!

  3. Carl, how many bones have you done?
