Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sçapŭla+Clāvïcŀe= bro, let us chill

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sapula+Clavicle= yes

Friday, December 3, 2010

<----- So together it will all look like this!
Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Diane LoU

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Retreat reflection?
Our class's art retreat to Menucha was really great. This year, in particular, I feel that we all became closer as a class and more comfortable with each other. I thought that this year's guest artist was awesome! My clay projects went very well and I can't wait to bisque them. My natural (Andy Goldsworthy) piece went very well and felt like it was just right. I covered the top of a tree stump with small green leaves. and created a linear form of bright red berries spanning across its face. This year i managed my time alot better when working with the clay and the leaves.
This year I hope to have more direction in my work. Especially in my concentration, last year i would run into dead ends and be stuck! But this year, with a more specific and practical concentration, I will hope to always know my next step.
Thursday, May 20, 2010

So since we turned in our portfolio's Amy is giving us sort of a choice project for the rest of the year. first off, I'm going to finish my skyzophrenia piece that is taking forever, due to various complications, then I want to do some handbuilding to finish off the year with a final qualtiy piece. Tomorrow we are having a barbeque in class and i am bringing the cheese for the burgers
Thursday, April 29, 2010

our art showcase was today. It was a fun time showing my work to other people. I liked the art of my fellow classmates, the art of the 2-D class, and the desserts. Although I would've like to make some money, I priced most of my work too high on purpose because I like it all and do not want to have to say good bye
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

recently I have experimented with sodium silicate. After wedging some TFJ, I throw out a slab about 1/2 in. thick. brush on a layer of sodium silicate and blow-dry, dry. Once the surface has dehydrated and dried enoungh, I threw out the slab a little bit larger and the crackle effect begins to appear. I layed this slab over my hand and carefullly made a cut out of my right hand. I have done two of these: palm up and palm down. I want this to represent Genocide but it may be too vague of a relation
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I just finished two more projects, both from the same materials: an inner skeleton made from chicken wire covered with shreds of tissue paper with the help of my favorite things water and glue. my first piece is a series of three human shaped forms. I feel like this can fit in my concentration but I'm not quite sure how yet. The other one i finished today looks kind of like a snake or something but I like it. For future concentrational pieces I am thinking of theme related to recycling, abandoned children, and skitzophrenia.
PS. I broke another one of my old pieces again today. Luckily, it had already been
photographed but seriously.. i break everything I make.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am now in the process of creating three human forms. they are made out of wire. I chose only to have the head and torso of the three people because, in this instance, the arms and legs may take away from what i am trying to get across. The three chicken wire men are being covered in tissue paper by the means of watered down elmers glue. I am really excited abouthow they will turn out. I just hop they dont break omg!omg!lol!tmi!pvgga!lol!ttly!ttyl!np!btw!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I am interested in recycling as a theme for my next concentration theme. Essentially I want to sculpt a person out of wiring then cover it with alluminum soda cans. ill cut the cans so then can lay flat and probably use multiple brands of soda cans so as to have a variety of colors. I think teh man will be about a foot tall.
Kinda like this picture but with cans...
Kinda like this picture but with cans...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
A few months ago, a pair of shingles flew off my house during a storm. I thought to myself, "Carl this is convenient and I could really use this." It is a pair of shingles still stuck together in a very cool way, aged and everything. With this I want to make a piece representing Hurricanes and refugees during natural disaster. I wish to capture the emotion behind the destruction of civilization because of nature.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Smoke Fire
This afternoon, i participated for the first time in a smoke firing. Essentially, you layer newspaper, saw dust, and paper over and over (with your pieces in side of course) in a large metal trash. From there you let it burn down ward toward your buried project. my latest piece was a skeleton hand and i really like how smoke firing turns out and i didn't have much time until i had to turn in my piece. Unfrotunalty though i have a lot of small pieces in the firing like the tips of fingers that i need to find.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
For my next concentration piece, I want to illustrate something using a hand holding a cigarette. I want the hand to be 'dead' like a skeleton. this will hopefully show like the delicatenes of the humna body and how some people take it for granted or somehting
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