Monday, November 22, 2010


So in order to not just have a boring old skeleton as my final finissssshed portfolio, I going to make each peace unique by either disfiguring it with inspirations from a disease like rhuematoid arthritis or by incorporating injuries such as breaks or by incorporating bone transplants. My first project is on the hands and arms. i want to have at least one broken arm, arthritis in one have and the other hand either have six fingers or broken bones, or like two webbed fingers.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Yo so my two projects that I hope to finish by the end of his month arm simply two skeletal human arms. This is definately something to shoot for and, quite possibly, not do-able but Damnit I'm going to try to finish them both in time. Both are made out of ceramic and will be proportional to life size human arms. To make my concentration and pieces more interesting, I will be ' breaking', harming, decaying, etc.. different parts of my limbs to add personality.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This year I want a concentraion that deals with the human body. whether I am using metal or ceramic or whatever I want to highlight the beauty of the shapes and forms and lines of our own bodies. More specifically, I am interested in the human skeleton. In regards to this, I had an idea: every concentration piece of mine would be a portion of a skeleton. Hopefully i the end I would have and entire human skeleton.