Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Smoke Fire

This afternoon, i participated for the first time in a smoke firing. Essentially, you layer newspaper, saw dust, and paper over and over (with your pieces in side of course) in a large metal trash. From there you let it burn down ward toward your buried project. my latest piece was a skeleton hand and i really like how smoke firing turns out and i didn't have much time until i had to turn in my piece. Unfrotunalty though i have a lot of small pieces in the firing like the tips of fingers that i need to find.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


For my next concentration piece, I want to illustrate something using a hand holding a cigarette. I want the hand to be 'dead' like a skeleton. this will hopefully show like the delicatenes of the humna body and how some people take it for granted or somehting